Monday, July 18, 2011

Back on the path

Well I have been a bit off the path of late.
Two surgeries and some health scares have kept me busy.

But its time to get back on the path.. the path I want to be on.
I know Ashlee is feeling the same.
I want a more natural life for my kids, for my home, for myself. I want to be kinder to the earth.

Stage one with the help of Wendyl the green goddess and her books and website I am going to work on replacing all my store bought chemical cleaners with more natural and made by me alternatives. I will be honest and say I will use up what I have as I cant afford to waste things but when its time to replace I hope to have new alternatives in place.

I also want to get to the bottom of my mending pile (not that that is overly "natural" or "green") I hate having things sitting there being wasted when they could be being worn. My mending pile often sits there for a year or more then I get rid of whats in it as we don't fit the items anymore.

In Invercargill we have just recently had our recycling programme improved, we have new wheelie bins including a huge one for recycling each fortnight and we can recycle so much more than we could before. This is something that really excites me.. recycling is COOL I also noticed in town today they have new recycle bins around town for bottles and cans etc so pleased to see Southland get on the recycling wagon. I hope to reduce our rubbish (that goes to landfill) to half a wheelie bin a week. I need to work on composting our food waste and recycling more and more.

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