I feel so inspired right now.
Spring and Summer do that to me.
But then again Autumn does too.
I think its just the long dragged out Southland winters that get me down.
Right now I am loving...
How the air smells, cut grass, spring flowers, sunshine, spring rain.
The sounds of my neighborhood seem to be clearer, or spread further. I can hear beautiful laughter and play from the school over our back fence. I can head laughter and play from all the houses with kiddos on my street.
Birds sing.
The feel of sunshine on me as I garden. It actually makes me want to garden.
The feeling of dirt under my fingernails.
The satisfaction of washing on the line. In winter here it never happens.
Windows open all over the house. And for me sleeping with a little one open in my room. I love the crisp yet not too cold night air in my room.
The colours, the sky, the flowers, the grass, the trees coming back to life.
The world is coming alive around me and me with it.
I feel like a better mother & friend when I am inspired.
I feel like a better person, a better soul when I am inspired.
Yet I sometimes let myself get uninspired. I stop doing things that make me happy. I don't know why.
When did I last own a lovely scented candle? I love candles, yet I don't own any.
When did I last draw? I know I am not good but I love the feeling anyway.
When did I last sew? scrapbook? write (beyond notes in a notebook)?
I find such satisfaction in those things. Yet I let myself stop doing them.
I am back gardening. Growing food for my family.
I have many projects and ideas brewing.
Time to make being inspired a daily job.
Because I am a better person when I am.