Friday, November 12, 2010

Friends in the neighbourhood

Oh how I love it. For years I have hoped to live somewhere with kids in the neighbourhood so my children would have friends to play with and we have it.... YAH

I had extra kids here all morning and they kept my kids busy and NO fighting, I made scones for lunch for everyone and it was so nice seeing the kids hanging out together. They bike up and down the street, ride ripsticks, skip, play in our pool, draw, play with toys... its just so freaking fun and I love it.

There are two houses of kids my guys have befriended one house goes to the same school at G and C and one goes to a different school (so the time with those kids is even more fun). There is also a house that has lots of kids come and go.. they are kind of the undesirable house in the street (that's a whole post on its own.. hehe) they play alongside my kids sometimes but they also like to stand outside our house and abuse the kids playing here so I am very tough on when those kids play and when they don't but I hope eventually they will learn to respect my kids and either follow our rules or play elsewhere.

Anyway my kids are playing over the road now and Zeke is napping so some quiet time for mumma to clean up and blog.. loving it. YAH for living in a nice street finally......

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