I used 2 pale green Karen Walker resene colours, one to create a feature wall and the other lighter colour for the 3 walls. My grandmother crocheted the blanket and that inspired the colour theme of red accents, seen in the balnket, beanbag, lampshade etc. I have put a noticeboard above his bed to hang all pictures and creations. The black montage of frames has favourite photos of Kaden and some of his artwork. His name was repainted from his earlier room. The bookshelf allows me to put things up higher that the other kids cant help, and this second-hand desk/cupboard allows Kaden to stash his treasures.
The bed is from my parents, and has drawers underneath, one for bedding for in-the-night accidents, adn the other for all his changes of clothes. There is now a roman blind on the window to block out light and hopefully quiet, and I will replace the ventian blind with a net soon. Some of his favourite artwork is framed on the walls, and he also has two Hairy McClary prints on the wall above his art easle.
I love it, to me it is a bit 'designer' like a magazine room! But its also relatively easy to keep tidy for both of us!
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