another whole night of labour and still waiting haha
ya lay there and the pain comes and of course you know what its like, ya start to think 'oh hell, i have changed my mind!' because you know its going to get worse - oh the memories come flooding back! TOO LATE!! Am happier to keep it in right now!!!!!
MW said this was the calm before the storm, the serene feeling you have before birth. Excellent!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Friday, December 17, 2010
I am freaking out inside
Its one week til Christmas...
I am far from ready.
My youngest doesn't have a pressie yet as its on layby and might not be paid off in time.
My older two have pressies.
Santa stuff is almost finished (the rest is in the layby)
I have 6 children/teens I buy/make for and they are not finished.
I also do not have pressie for my parents or any other adults.
The last few months has been tight and just seems to get tighter. Contact doubled my smooth pay payment and that chewed up all my free money planned to buy Christmas gifts with. We have had multiple doctor visits and prescriptions. Really I just want to cry. I get myself all strong and "I can do this" empowered then I realise how much I need I just want to forget the whole thing.
The kids are away this weekend so I want to get housework up to date and a few things made for pressies.
I need to start the new week feeling more ready.. even just slightly ready would be good.
I am far from ready.
My youngest doesn't have a pressie yet as its on layby and might not be paid off in time.
My older two have pressies.
Santa stuff is almost finished (the rest is in the layby)
I have 6 children/teens I buy/make for and they are not finished.
I also do not have pressie for my parents or any other adults.
The last few months has been tight and just seems to get tighter. Contact doubled my smooth pay payment and that chewed up all my free money planned to buy Christmas gifts with. We have had multiple doctor visits and prescriptions. Really I just want to cry. I get myself all strong and "I can do this" empowered then I realise how much I need I just want to forget the whole thing.
The kids are away this weekend so I want to get housework up to date and a few things made for pressies.
I need to start the new week feeling more ready.. even just slightly ready would be good.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Being happy...
Now if I am being totally truthful... I'm not sure if I'm ever fulfilled! That might sound weird.. but with my depression I don't often reallllly feel good.. or great or even reallllly happy. I have moments I enjoy, things I love but it doesn't often really reach the core of me. I want to feel all gooey and soppy and amazingly sing and dance down the street happy and go to bed at the end of the day feeling like I lived a really authentic ME today.
How does one get from point A (where I am now) to point fulfilled (where I aim to be)????
I have decided step one is to do things that make me happy (even if the happiness I feel is fleeting)
so to start off I am going to make a list of things that make me happy.. they might be utterly random but they are things that make me smile inside or out and give me a little joy in my day. (so next time I'm feeling bad I can read this list and go do or find something on it)
I will add to this list as I think of things.
How does one get from point A (where I am now) to point fulfilled (where I aim to be)????
I have decided step one is to do things that make me happy (even if the happiness I feel is fleeting)
so to start off I am going to make a list of things that make me happy.. they might be utterly random but they are things that make me smile inside or out and give me a little joy in my day. (so next time I'm feeling bad I can read this list and go do or find something on it)
I will add to this list as I think of things.
- Receiving a txt from a friend that's random and unexpected
- Receiving an email for no real reason but to chat
- Receiving mail that's not a bill (doesn't happen often but when it does I love it)
- The feel of my children's arms around my neck as they hug me
- The sound of my children's laughter
- Being told "I love you mumma"
- Other people appreciating food I have cooked
- The feeling when I have made something and it turns out how I imagined
- Seeing my children appreciate things I have made them
- The smell of books
- Browsing at the library
- Finishing a really good book
- The moment in a good book when I want to stop and write out a quote that moved me so I don't forget it
- Watching my children enjoy books
- Seeing new flowers blooming
- the smell of rain on hot concrete
- the smell of cut grass
- the sound as cars go over railway tracks
- photos that truly capture a moment how you see it in your head
- beautiful loopy handwriting
- colourful crystals
- the smell of good coffee
- colourful eyeshadow
- good mascara
- hypnotic poison perfume (I have worn it for 12 years)
- music that makes you think it was written for you or about your life
- movies that touch you and make you want to make the world a better place
- thrift and vintage shopping
- finding something amazing when thrift or vintage shopping
- reading blogs by people I aspire to be more like
- making something new out of something old
- cinnamon
- vanilla
- coconut
- passionfruit
- candles and incense
- holding a new baby
- picking food grown in my garden
- greeting my children after school
- checking on my sleeping children and seeing their peaceful sleeping faces
- slipping into a freshly made bed with clean sheets
Monday, November 29, 2010
they are driving me up the wall
and I am exhausted! Soooo tired. Sooo sore. Fed up. A little stressed because Im not ready for the baby. And the kids are driving me up the wall, fighting or making excess mess. Looking forward to putting the tree up this weekend!
Time on their Own
On Saturday, Kaden went and spent the day with his grandfather, and I came home and put Ryken to bed. That left me and Trista. She rarely gets any time to herself so I tried to make the most of it! Firstly we sat in her room and played with her dolls and kitchen etc in role play. Then we came out into the lounge to dress her barbies and polly pocket. Then we sat on the couch and I read her some books. She LOVED it. She has such a beautiful personality that often comes out as a bit bratty or hidden behind her brothers. It was a special morning.
Then I got to go out scrapping for the afternoon - wow! Time for me! I loved it, it was relaxing and fun (and I realised how I had lost my touch haha).
Then I got to go out scrapping for the afternoon - wow! Time for me! I loved it, it was relaxing and fun (and I realised how I had lost my touch haha).
Friday, November 19, 2010
A New Start
This week I finally got to paint the lounge - nothing major like kitchen and dining, just the lounge. It looks fab and I feel so much better - like I achieved something! Then I cut and coloured my hair - new start!
36 weeks and baby shower/blessingway today. Time for me to enjoy being pregnant. Am 79 kilos which was a huge shock!!!! But who cares, time enough to lose that later! Just feeling heaps better about everything right now.
36 weeks and baby shower/blessingway today. Time for me to enjoy being pregnant. Am 79 kilos which was a huge shock!!!! But who cares, time enough to lose that later! Just feeling heaps better about everything right now.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Kaden's bedrooms!
This is Kaden's first bedroom, when we first moved in. It was in the simple blues with a bit of Me-to-You and some puppy dogs.

This is what the spare room looked like for a year! We moved in 6 weeks before Kaden was born and so this room was behind closed doors and hid the mess that I never managed to unpack. I eventually turned it into Kaden's second room.

I loved his new room, it was lime and blue stars themed and everything went. Nan made the duvet, Nan and Shae painted the canvases. I painted his name and frames and canvases to match. Everything looked gorgeous!!
Then we moved Ryken in, and it has slowly evolved into an orange and blue Winnie the Pooh room. Will find a pic sometime, I'm sure!

Now of course he has his third bedroom, his own, once again!
This is what the spare room looked like for a year! We moved in 6 weeks before Kaden was born and so this room was behind closed doors and hid the mess that I never managed to unpack. I eventually turned it into Kaden's second room.
I loved his new room, it was lime and blue stars themed and everything went. Nan made the duvet, Nan and Shae painted the canvases. I painted his name and frames and canvases to match. Everything looked gorgeous!!
Then we moved Ryken in, and it has slowly evolved into an orange and blue Winnie the Pooh room. Will find a pic sometime, I'm sure!
Now of course he has his third bedroom, his own, once again!
Kaden's Room
Following on from being my office/craft room, I planned Kaden's room to be a calming and peaceful space that he could take himself to. It also had to be very simple and clutter-free, because Kaden is athmatic and I did not want a dust trap. Nor did I want to be cleaning his room all day!!

I used 2 pale green Karen Walker resene colours, one to create a feature wall and the other lighter colour for the 3 walls. My grandmother crocheted the blanket and that inspired the colour theme of red accents, seen in the balnket, beanbag, lampshade etc. I have put a noticeboard above his bed to hang all pictures and creations. The black montage of frames has favourite photos of Kaden and some of his artwork. His name was repainted from his earlier room. The bookshelf allows me to put things up higher that the other kids cant help, and this second-hand desk/cupboard allows Kaden to stash his treasures.

The bed is from my parents, and has drawers underneath, one for bedding for in-the-night accidents, adn the other for all his changes of clothes. There is now a roman blind on the window to block out light and hopefully quiet, and I will replace the ventian blind with a net soon. Some of his favourite artwork is framed on the walls, and he also has two Hairy McClary prints on the wall above his art easle.

I love it, to me it is a bit 'designer' like a magazine room! But its also relatively easy to keep tidy for both of us!
I used 2 pale green Karen Walker resene colours, one to create a feature wall and the other lighter colour for the 3 walls. My grandmother crocheted the blanket and that inspired the colour theme of red accents, seen in the balnket, beanbag, lampshade etc. I have put a noticeboard above his bed to hang all pictures and creations. The black montage of frames has favourite photos of Kaden and some of his artwork. His name was repainted from his earlier room. The bookshelf allows me to put things up higher that the other kids cant help, and this second-hand desk/cupboard allows Kaden to stash his treasures.
The bed is from my parents, and has drawers underneath, one for bedding for in-the-night accidents, adn the other for all his changes of clothes. There is now a roman blind on the window to block out light and hopefully quiet, and I will replace the ventian blind with a net soon. Some of his favourite artwork is framed on the walls, and he also has two Hairy McClary prints on the wall above his art easle.
I love it, to me it is a bit 'designer' like a magazine room! But its also relatively easy to keep tidy for both of us!
Transformation of an Office
For a long time it was a boring office but served its purpose, and of course over time and with a growing family it filled with paperwork and crap. I was also studying and starting my business so it was a multi-functional room.

Then I turned it into my craft room! for a while there, it was also a scrapbooking shop!!! I had people come through!
But largely it was a joint crafting room and office, with my computer for working/studying/playing and my craft stuff all out for scrapbooking. It was so wonderful having all my craft stuff out but my collection was growing at a phenomenal rate!!

The biggest thing I loved, other than having everything on display, was my Inspiration Board, which was covered in pictures and pretty things including achievements (like the first ever magazine I edited) and flowerws and photos and other things to make me happy and inspired.

Finally, with the revelation of baby 4 on the way, it was time to pack it up. Half my scrapbooking stuff is now in a wardrobe, and the other half is packed at my parents place. It took me a month to accept this, and a few tears, but I accepted that I wouldnt have the time to dedicate to my craft and my eldest needed his space more. So we turned it into Kaden's room....
Then I turned it into my craft room! for a while there, it was also a scrapbooking shop!!! I had people come through!
But largely it was a joint crafting room and office, with my computer for working/studying/playing and my craft stuff all out for scrapbooking. It was so wonderful having all my craft stuff out but my collection was growing at a phenomenal rate!!
The biggest thing I loved, other than having everything on display, was my Inspiration Board, which was covered in pictures and pretty things including achievements (like the first ever magazine I edited) and flowerws and photos and other things to make me happy and inspired.
Finally, with the revelation of baby 4 on the way, it was time to pack it up. Half my scrapbooking stuff is now in a wardrobe, and the other half is packed at my parents place. It took me a month to accept this, and a few tears, but I accepted that I wouldnt have the time to dedicate to my craft and my eldest needed his space more. So we turned it into Kaden's room....
Times are a changing
I have spent years feeling like I didn't really have any worth, like I wasn't good enough, like I didn't achieve anything with my life. Of course being a mother is the most amazing job in the world and I am blessed with the job title "Mumma" BUT I need more.... I have known this for a while but couldnt decide what to do. I over think every choice, think of a million reasons why I cannot do it and talk myself out of things because I might fail.
Yesterday I took a step, on a whim I applied for a course for next year, I applied online so there is no paperwork to wait for, to leave lying around the house uncompleted.. Its done. I also filled out studylink forms online.. no backing out (well I could but I am not going to) I am doing it. No anxiety over the choice... I just DID IT.. and bugger me it felt amazing. 2011 is going to be the year I make things happen. I am going to do things I always dreamed of and in 2012 when I step into my 30th year on this earth I will feel like I have worth, I will feel like I am good enough. THAT is my goal :)
Yesterday I took a step, on a whim I applied for a course for next year, I applied online so there is no paperwork to wait for, to leave lying around the house uncompleted.. Its done. I also filled out studylink forms online.. no backing out (well I could but I am not going to) I am doing it. No anxiety over the choice... I just DID IT.. and bugger me it felt amazing. 2011 is going to be the year I make things happen. I am going to do things I always dreamed of and in 2012 when I step into my 30th year on this earth I will feel like I have worth, I will feel like I am good enough. THAT is my goal :)
Trista's Room
The evolution of Trista's room!

It started as the same colour as every other room in our house - a bland creamy colour which I hate although I'm slowly getting rid of it! It was decorated in muted blues for when Kaden was in there. But we won a Little Treasures/Resene competition and so I repainted the room - 3 walls in pale pink, and one in pale purple.

Everything in her room is special, the belly casting from 39 weeks pregnant, the BEauty and the Beast poster which used to hang in my childhood room. I won the cot duvet from Little PJ's, and when it arrived, in all its pink glory with matching sheets and blanket, I knew I was having a girl (this was in January before I had her in July!). Her Nan bought the bed duvet and helped pay for the curtains which match it, and I painted her name letters which I bought of TMe. Her magnetic wardrobe has our Little Treasures articles on it, and there is a couple of special cushions - the 'T' from online friend Claire, and the cushion called 'Allegra' which is Trista's middle name.
Anyway, it worked well, then I rearrnaged it, which we all loved. Trista moved into her bed at this time and it was easy to tidy with no extra clutter. Until I rearranged it again! This time did not work well - it timed with her wetting her bed every night, and a stage of getting dressed 10 times a day. With most of the family toys in her room, since the boys shared a room, Trista's room was the playroom and always a dump, with clothes, bedding and toys everywhere. So I have just done this:

I love to rearrange the kids rooms. It keeps it fresh and interesting, and is a really good chance to clear out clutter and wash windows and curtains (so yes, I usually do it in Spring!). I love to continually make the rooms better and so it suits their changing needs.
It started as the same colour as every other room in our house - a bland creamy colour which I hate although I'm slowly getting rid of it! It was decorated in muted blues for when Kaden was in there. But we won a Little Treasures/Resene competition and so I repainted the room - 3 walls in pale pink, and one in pale purple.
Everything in her room is special, the belly casting from 39 weeks pregnant, the BEauty and the Beast poster which used to hang in my childhood room. I won the cot duvet from Little PJ's, and when it arrived, in all its pink glory with matching sheets and blanket, I knew I was having a girl (this was in January before I had her in July!). Her Nan bought the bed duvet and helped pay for the curtains which match it, and I painted her name letters which I bought of TMe. Her magnetic wardrobe has our Little Treasures articles on it, and there is a couple of special cushions - the 'T' from online friend Claire, and the cushion called 'Allegra' which is Trista's middle name.
Anyway, it worked well, then I rearrnaged it, which we all loved. Trista moved into her bed at this time and it was easy to tidy with no extra clutter. Until I rearranged it again! This time did not work well - it timed with her wetting her bed every night, and a stage of getting dressed 10 times a day. With most of the family toys in her room, since the boys shared a room, Trista's room was the playroom and always a dump, with clothes, bedding and toys everywhere. So I have just done this:

I love to rearrange the kids rooms. It keeps it fresh and interesting, and is a really good chance to clear out clutter and wash windows and curtains (so yes, I usually do it in Spring!). I love to continually make the rooms better and so it suits their changing needs.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Share some pics???
I would love to see more of your place and what you guys get up to... Would you be keen to share pics each week maybe we could have a theme each week so we can take pics of that and then share them in a post??? We are both trying to make our homes nicer and do fun stuff with kids and appreciate life more so maybe we can inspire via pictures?
Friends in the neighbourhood
Oh how I love it. For years I have hoped to live somewhere with kids in the neighbourhood so my children would have friends to play with and we have it.... YAH
I had extra kids here all morning and they kept my kids busy and NO fighting, I made scones for lunch for everyone and it was so nice seeing the kids hanging out together. They bike up and down the street, ride ripsticks, skip, play in our pool, draw, play with toys... its just so freaking fun and I love it.
There are two houses of kids my guys have befriended one house goes to the same school at G and C and one goes to a different school (so the time with those kids is even more fun). There is also a house that has lots of kids come and go.. they are kind of the undesirable house in the street (that's a whole post on its own.. hehe) they play alongside my kids sometimes but they also like to stand outside our house and abuse the kids playing here so I am very tough on when those kids play and when they don't but I hope eventually they will learn to respect my kids and either follow our rules or play elsewhere.
Anyway my kids are playing over the road now and Zeke is napping so some quiet time for mumma to clean up and blog.. loving it. YAH for living in a nice street finally......
I had extra kids here all morning and they kept my kids busy and NO fighting, I made scones for lunch for everyone and it was so nice seeing the kids hanging out together. They bike up and down the street, ride ripsticks, skip, play in our pool, draw, play with toys... its just so freaking fun and I love it.
There are two houses of kids my guys have befriended one house goes to the same school at G and C and one goes to a different school (so the time with those kids is even more fun). There is also a house that has lots of kids come and go.. they are kind of the undesirable house in the street (that's a whole post on its own.. hehe) they play alongside my kids sometimes but they also like to stand outside our house and abuse the kids playing here so I am very tough on when those kids play and when they don't but I hope eventually they will learn to respect my kids and either follow our rules or play elsewhere.
Anyway my kids are playing over the road now and Zeke is napping so some quiet time for mumma to clean up and blog.. loving it. YAH for living in a nice street finally......
Songs for Housework
Need to make me a CD of my favourites....
am thinking Abba, Shania Twain... what else is fantastic singing and dancing?
am thinking Abba, Shania Twain... what else is fantastic singing and dancing?
Jazzing Up Spaces on A Budget
For you, ALisa....
*Rearrange the furniture - cleaning out cobwebs, sorting piles and clearing clutter helps give a fresh look!
*Redecroate by moving wall pictures and hangings, dusting surfaces and rearranging the ornaments. In Spring I clear spaces so there is less clutter around. In Autumn I tend to group more items so I get a more warm, homely effect for winter. Finish with a vase of fresh flowers!
*Use command hooks or blu-tack to change what is on the walls.
*I have two big canvases on the walls, and every few months, we paint over them. The kids have a ball drawing all over it, and when it is dry I rehang. It always looks different and fresh, and of coruse the paint is cheap and its a morning of fun so win-win-win!
*While you have the paint out, try painting terracotta pots and replanting them.
*Clean - a really good scrub of the tiles/carpet, the ceiling, the fans, the walls etc can really make things feel better!
*Cheap or free nets or curatins can freshen the space
*I use cushions in Winter, but in Summer I pack them away - what a change in the look of the room
*I have winter and summer duvet covers - one tends to be warm reds and the summer one is pure white. For the kids, something fun for summer and something warmer for winter - gives a new look to the room!
*I use Martha Stewart for inspiration! And I have sigbned up to a daily email which has an organisational tip with photos for ideas!
*Rearrange the furniture - cleaning out cobwebs, sorting piles and clearing clutter helps give a fresh look!
*Redecroate by moving wall pictures and hangings, dusting surfaces and rearranging the ornaments. In Spring I clear spaces so there is less clutter around. In Autumn I tend to group more items so I get a more warm, homely effect for winter. Finish with a vase of fresh flowers!
*Use command hooks or blu-tack to change what is on the walls.
*I have two big canvases on the walls, and every few months, we paint over them. The kids have a ball drawing all over it, and when it is dry I rehang. It always looks different and fresh, and of coruse the paint is cheap and its a morning of fun so win-win-win!
*While you have the paint out, try painting terracotta pots and replanting them.
*Clean - a really good scrub of the tiles/carpet, the ceiling, the fans, the walls etc can really make things feel better!
*Cheap or free nets or curatins can freshen the space
*I use cushions in Winter, but in Summer I pack them away - what a change in the look of the room
*I have winter and summer duvet covers - one tends to be warm reds and the summer one is pure white. For the kids, something fun for summer and something warmer for winter - gives a new look to the room!
*I use Martha Stewart for inspiration! And I have sigbned up to a daily email which has an organisational tip with photos for ideas!
Saturday and we are making progress
Those antidepressents are still sitting unopened on the windowsill - yay! I have to go and speak to the doctor about whether they are suitable for when the baby is born, I think it might be wise to consider using them for a bit while I get back onto my feet after the birth.
We just baked a hundred cookies - easy recipe:
2 cups flour
2 eggs
add 250gm melted butter
add 3 cups of flour,
2tsp baking powder
then i added
200gm choc chips and
150gm craisens
and we have some yummy choc and cranberry cookies!! The kids love them! I think these will be good for the Xmas hampers I need to make. We will do these in early December :-)
Today I have to finish Trista's room and our room, and get stuck into the lounge.
I want to have at least two lounge walls painted by the baby shower next weekend, mostly because the new curtains are hung and if I paint those two walls then they will look gorgeous! And then I can hang my new canvases and pictures on them. And if I dont do any more I will be happy with that!!
Im not pushing to nut the whole lot out in a night or two (there are 10 walls in this living room!) but just thought if I could do a wall or two a night, it wont take me long. I dont even think I'll bother with the kitchen as it will be too tricky with a bump to try and paint above the cupboards!!!
I will feel sooo much better when those walls are done and the rest of the rooms are in order. I have got rid of soooo much clutter in the last two months, sorted so much out. Not everything is perfect, and its a little hard when I still have baby gear etc but it is a million times better already!!! It will mean that as the baby gear goes in the next 12 months, it should just keep getting better and better!
And I cant wait, on the 1st Dec, to put the Xmas tree up!!! That will be the start of the festive season for me - a month of relaxing, enjoying the kids, baking our Xmas goodies, and really unwinding and enjoying ourselves before the baby comes!!!
We just baked a hundred cookies - easy recipe:
2 cups flour
2 eggs
add 250gm melted butter
add 3 cups of flour,
2tsp baking powder
then i added
200gm choc chips and
150gm craisens
and we have some yummy choc and cranberry cookies!! The kids love them! I think these will be good for the Xmas hampers I need to make. We will do these in early December :-)
Today I have to finish Trista's room and our room, and get stuck into the lounge.
I want to have at least two lounge walls painted by the baby shower next weekend, mostly because the new curtains are hung and if I paint those two walls then they will look gorgeous! And then I can hang my new canvases and pictures on them. And if I dont do any more I will be happy with that!!
Im not pushing to nut the whole lot out in a night or two (there are 10 walls in this living room!) but just thought if I could do a wall or two a night, it wont take me long. I dont even think I'll bother with the kitchen as it will be too tricky with a bump to try and paint above the cupboards!!!
I will feel sooo much better when those walls are done and the rest of the rooms are in order. I have got rid of soooo much clutter in the last two months, sorted so much out. Not everything is perfect, and its a little hard when I still have baby gear etc but it is a million times better already!!! It will mean that as the baby gear goes in the next 12 months, it should just keep getting better and better!
And I cant wait, on the 1st Dec, to put the Xmas tree up!!! That will be the start of the festive season for me - a month of relaxing, enjoying the kids, baking our Xmas goodies, and really unwinding and enjoying ourselves before the baby comes!!!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Inspired by blogs....
I read alot of blogs... its how I love to spend some quiet time and I love that I get so inspired by blogs.
One thing I totally struggle with is finding time to do all the crafts I love, to put into action all the ideas I have and the masses of tutorials and blog posts I have bookmarked.
One of my favourite blogs is her latest post about her goals really got me.. and I want to try a similar system. I always have goals and lists in my head but rarely in writing and if I do I lose the bit of paper. I think I want to turn a cork-board into our family goal board. Have a place for my weekly, daily, and my kids goals.. Give myself one project to finish each week, and a home organisation goal each week to and of course one goal to do with each child. Maybe they might want to pick a goal for themselves to work on to.
Might work on making a board tomorrow (will have to steal my inspiration board by my desk but I can replace that soon enough). I shall think of something.
Ezekiel finally has a single bed now so I have converted the toddler bed into a 3 sided cot and am going to use it in the lounge as a reading spot and store toys under it. I want to make some cute cushions, bunting and art for the wall above it. Its going to be a cute wee spot for the kiddos.
One thing I totally struggle with is finding time to do all the crafts I love, to put into action all the ideas I have and the masses of tutorials and blog posts I have bookmarked.
One of my favourite blogs is her latest post about her goals really got me.. and I want to try a similar system. I always have goals and lists in my head but rarely in writing and if I do I lose the bit of paper. I think I want to turn a cork-board into our family goal board. Have a place for my weekly, daily, and my kids goals.. Give myself one project to finish each week, and a home organisation goal each week to and of course one goal to do with each child. Maybe they might want to pick a goal for themselves to work on to.
Might work on making a board tomorrow (will have to steal my inspiration board by my desk but I can replace that soon enough). I shall think of something.
Ezekiel finally has a single bed now so I have converted the toddler bed into a 3 sided cot and am going to use it in the lounge as a reading spot and store toys under it. I want to make some cute cushions, bunting and art for the wall above it. Its going to be a cute wee spot for the kiddos.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Cleaning, Moving and decluttering
I am a recovering hoarder... every year I get better, every year I crave a more organised home and crave a home that reflects me and my children. I don't have flash things and am a real "make do" person but I still want a home thats organised and is filled with things I love and that make me happy.
Im craving a bit of change to at the moment so have decided to work on a couple of areas at a time, clean, declutter and move things around.. make areas fresh by giving them a new look (with ZERO budget just what I have around).
Today I cleaned the entrance and moved the canvas pictures from the lounge into the hall and just decluttered a little, its not a huge difference but I like it. Working on the lounge as well today... trying to think of what I can move around.
Master bedroom/craft area is my weekend mission as its a TIP.. it will be a work in progress for a while but I hope to give it a good start this weekend.
The kids rooms have all been done recently but I do have ideas and projects in my head for their spaces to.
Kitchen and dining is ok but needs a declutter and a bit of a spruce up.
Laundry is a state but an hour of time will get it tidy.
My back hall needs some storage for all the stuff we store there as the hooks on the wall are a bit overflowing.
The bathroom just needs a laundry basket to keep the floor clear.
My back deck area is lovely but has NO colour and is always a mess of kids stuff so I want to plant some flowers and tidy it up and find some storage for outside toys and I hope to get an outside picnic table this summer.
Miss Ahslee if you have any links of housy stuff or projects you think I might like please share them. I seem some christmas decorations I like today so have planned my colour scheme to match them so want to start decorating for christmas shortly to.. *eeekkk exciting*... I would love if we could share pics with each other as we go along to show our progress and share ideas.
Im craving a bit of change to at the moment so have decided to work on a couple of areas at a time, clean, declutter and move things around.. make areas fresh by giving them a new look (with ZERO budget just what I have around).
Today I cleaned the entrance and moved the canvas pictures from the lounge into the hall and just decluttered a little, its not a huge difference but I like it. Working on the lounge as well today... trying to think of what I can move around.
Master bedroom/craft area is my weekend mission as its a TIP.. it will be a work in progress for a while but I hope to give it a good start this weekend.
The kids rooms have all been done recently but I do have ideas and projects in my head for their spaces to.
Kitchen and dining is ok but needs a declutter and a bit of a spruce up.
Laundry is a state but an hour of time will get it tidy.
My back hall needs some storage for all the stuff we store there as the hooks on the wall are a bit overflowing.
The bathroom just needs a laundry basket to keep the floor clear.
My back deck area is lovely but has NO colour and is always a mess of kids stuff so I want to plant some flowers and tidy it up and find some storage for outside toys and I hope to get an outside picnic table this summer.
Miss Ahslee if you have any links of housy stuff or projects you think I might like please share them. I seem some christmas decorations I like today so have planned my colour scheme to match them so want to start decorating for christmas shortly to.. *eeekkk exciting*... I would love if we could share pics with each other as we go along to show our progress and share ideas.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Xmas Prep & Ideas
Add away Alisa, this post should be really long by Xmas!!
*Wrap presents
*Tree up on the 1st
*Advent calendar for each kid
*Wrap presents
*Tree up on the 1st
*Advent calendar for each kid
Christmas Traditions
Cool Xmas Traditions:
*Buy an Xmas decoration for each child each year (date it)
*Have a Christmas photo album for santa and other photos
*A stocking on the bed, to be opened at 5am in the morning (so Mum gets more sleep!)
*Open one present on Xmas eve (Pj's?)
*Write an Xmas card to your child each year, detailing the year that has been
*An Xmas dessert, saved just for the big day!
*Champagne breakfast on Xmas day
*Tree goes up on the 1st December
what else, Alisa? Add away!!!
*Buy an Xmas decoration for each child each year (date it)
*Have a Christmas photo album for santa and other photos
*A stocking on the bed, to be opened at 5am in the morning (so Mum gets more sleep!)
*Open one present on Xmas eve (Pj's?)
*Write an Xmas card to your child each year, detailing the year that has been
*An Xmas dessert, saved just for the big day!
*Champagne breakfast on Xmas day
*Tree goes up on the 1st December
what else, Alisa? Add away!!!
November #2
Ekkk where has the year gone?
For me its officially Christmas prep time and I've decided I need to buy and make something each week to get myself in the groove. I have some fun ideas for decorations and stuff so want to get a move on.. I need to buy a circle punch to make some cute decorations and want to tie everything into a colour scheme (which I always do but always end up only doing it half hearted).
I need to pay off my Christmas laybys and start wrapping pressies.
I need to buy yummy foods and ingredients to make fun treats with the children.
I want to really make Christmas a hands on holiday and get the kids into it to. So many ideas.. now to make them a reality.
My children are getting a trampoline this year and one toy each for under the tree and then a parcel of clothes.
Christmas is my favourite time of year... eekkk cannot wait. I get to put my trees up this month.. eeeeeekkkkkkkkk
For me its officially Christmas prep time and I've decided I need to buy and make something each week to get myself in the groove. I have some fun ideas for decorations and stuff so want to get a move on.. I need to buy a circle punch to make some cute decorations and want to tie everything into a colour scheme (which I always do but always end up only doing it half hearted).
I need to pay off my Christmas laybys and start wrapping pressies.
I need to buy yummy foods and ingredients to make fun treats with the children.
I want to really make Christmas a hands on holiday and get the kids into it to. So many ideas.. now to make them a reality.
My children are getting a trampoline this year and one toy each for under the tree and then a parcel of clothes.
Christmas is my favourite time of year... eekkk cannot wait. I get to put my trees up this month.. eeeeeekkkkkkkkk
Exams are over, I stopped work last month . . . time to focus on me and the kids and the house!
My goals for November:
*clear the house - massive declutter, clear the hallway, get our bedroom in order and get out baby stuff, oh and declutter!!
*get myself back in kilter, try and spend some more time on me and the kids and feel a bit calmer and also work on my health which aint so good.
Then in December, my goals are to spend heaps and HEAPS of time with the kids, making Xmas stuff and enjoying the sunshine etc and generally unwidning and having quality time before the baby comes.
I have finally got myself over the hurdle of having to keep everything. It started with a dream a few weeks ago, about our house burning down. I dreamt I could rebuild and this lovely new house had a place for everything and was so nice. I thought about this for a few days and then realised I can still have this! I realised that I have sooo much stuff but I wouldnt really miss much - so why keep it now? It is really holding me down and holding me back and stopping me from enjoying what I love.... so its time to go!! I am so much more ruthless now!!
I have a traler on the lawn I can fill with rubbish, and the boot is empty so I can fill it and donate it. YAY
Only drawback is this week my pelvis and hips are so sore and I cant do much, but baby steps!! ANd the mindset has been the hardest thing to change so I am glad I have finally overcome that!!! BRING ON THE DECLUTTERING!
To celebrate, I am hoping to be able to repaint the lounge by the end of November. I already have brand new curtains so it is going to look fantastic and I cant wait!!!
My goals for November:
*clear the house - massive declutter, clear the hallway, get our bedroom in order and get out baby stuff, oh and declutter!!
*get myself back in kilter, try and spend some more time on me and the kids and feel a bit calmer and also work on my health which aint so good.
Then in December, my goals are to spend heaps and HEAPS of time with the kids, making Xmas stuff and enjoying the sunshine etc and generally unwidning and having quality time before the baby comes.
I have finally got myself over the hurdle of having to keep everything. It started with a dream a few weeks ago, about our house burning down. I dreamt I could rebuild and this lovely new house had a place for everything and was so nice. I thought about this for a few days and then realised I can still have this! I realised that I have sooo much stuff but I wouldnt really miss much - so why keep it now? It is really holding me down and holding me back and stopping me from enjoying what I love.... so its time to go!! I am so much more ruthless now!!
I have a traler on the lawn I can fill with rubbish, and the boot is empty so I can fill it and donate it. YAY
Only drawback is this week my pelvis and hips are so sore and I cant do much, but baby steps!! ANd the mindset has been the hardest thing to change so I am glad I have finally overcome that!!! BRING ON THE DECLUTTERING!
To celebrate, I am hoping to be able to repaint the lounge by the end of November. I already have brand new curtains so it is going to look fantastic and I cant wait!!!
I have finally made a complete switch to free range, mostly because I found somewhere where they are actually cheaper than supermarket caged eggs.
And I think I have finally mastered the art of scrambling them in a pot and not relying on the microwave (although the pot does need a damn good scrub each morning!).
So now Kaden cracks my eggs (he is so fascinated by them, he collects them from the ducks at Nan and Paas and brings them home) and I cook eggs on toast for the kids most morning, in my efforts to get them started the day right.
One tiny glitch is I still havent successfully seperated a free-range egg (yet I can seperate a cage egg successfully every time!!).
Eggs are so good for us and Im pleased to be finally getting this right!
And I think I have finally mastered the art of scrambling them in a pot and not relying on the microwave (although the pot does need a damn good scrub each morning!).
So now Kaden cracks my eggs (he is so fascinated by them, he collects them from the ducks at Nan and Paas and brings them home) and I cook eggs on toast for the kids most morning, in my efforts to get them started the day right.
One tiny glitch is I still havent successfully seperated a free-range egg (yet I can seperate a cage egg successfully every time!!).
Eggs are so good for us and Im pleased to be finally getting this right!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
On that thought...
you are right babe, it is the unexpectedness of it. I didnt expect it to be rosy cheeks and glorious days, I expected tantrums and tears. But this depression pulls at ya and takes so much out of you. yesterday I cried so much and I was exhuasted, but I was already exhausted from feeling this "GREYNESS" which I cant explain. AND YOU WANT IT TO GO AWAY.......... but you CANT, you cant make it go away and you dont know its there. I get very angry with all of that, not being able to control my own thoughts!
I too am a tip - my house and everything. Some days are so hard. You are right, its frekn hard doing the same thing over and over. He goes to work and I love him and respect him for that, but at home I get the same shit, different day. I take my hat of to you babe for doing it alone, I just couldnt imagine. xxxxxxxxxxxx
I too am a tip - my house and everything. Some days are so hard. You are right, its frekn hard doing the same thing over and over. He goes to work and I love him and respect him for that, but at home I get the same shit, different day. I take my hat of to you babe for doing it alone, I just couldnt imagine. xxxxxxxxxxxx
No one said parenting was glamorous
But no one said it would be so lonely, never-ending, groundhog day, I would rather watch paint dry than pickup those toys again, lets just throw money down the drain rather than cook and serve meals that end up all over the table and floor, why do you not hear me calling but you hear the crinkle of a biscuit packet frustrating either.....
I love my kiddos, and I love being a mumma. I love so much about it, and I'm sure I will write a post about that soon just so I don't feel like a moaner. But some days/weeks/months I just want to scream. I get one room tidy to clean another and come back and the first one is messy again. Meals never get eaten without moaning and food wasted. Fights oh the fights..... it just seems to take it out of me over the day til the end of the day feels like a lifetime away and I just want to run and hide. Ive taken to putting my ipod on and actually ignoring it all for a bit just so I don't flip my lid (heck don't I sound like a awesome parent??).
I know it will get better and my depressing woe is me rut will pass or at least seem to pass til the next one arrives but man oh man I need a stiff drink tonight.. lol
On the plus side outside my lounge window (on the neighbours property) there is a tree... its not an exciting tree BUT at night when the sky is changing colours til darkness hits I love this tree... the changing sky looks so pretty behind this tree, it lights the branches and foliage just so and I love it... its utterly enchanting.. I imagine a group of fairies working away inside that tree that's how it enchants me.. of course no one else would find this tree enchanting but I find myself wasting an hour at night just staring out the window at the tree and the sky.
I love my kiddos, and I love being a mumma. I love so much about it, and I'm sure I will write a post about that soon just so I don't feel like a moaner. But some days/weeks/months I just want to scream. I get one room tidy to clean another and come back and the first one is messy again. Meals never get eaten without moaning and food wasted. Fights oh the fights..... it just seems to take it out of me over the day til the end of the day feels like a lifetime away and I just want to run and hide. Ive taken to putting my ipod on and actually ignoring it all for a bit just so I don't flip my lid (heck don't I sound like a awesome parent??).
I know it will get better and my depressing woe is me rut will pass or at least seem to pass til the next one arrives but man oh man I need a stiff drink tonight.. lol
On the plus side outside my lounge window (on the neighbours property) there is a tree... its not an exciting tree BUT at night when the sky is changing colours til darkness hits I love this tree... the changing sky looks so pretty behind this tree, it lights the branches and foliage just so and I love it... its utterly enchanting.. I imagine a group of fairies working away inside that tree that's how it enchants me.. of course no one else would find this tree enchanting but I find myself wasting an hour at night just staring out the window at the tree and the sky.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
the depths of it
you're lying there, so confused and frustrated, not knowing how you feel or why you are feeling like that.
It hurts, it hurts all over. Just make it better. Just make it go away.
You cry or you want to cry and cant.
Every little thing makes you angry or want to cry.
Why cant you just be happy?
Depression SUCKS!
It hurts, it hurts all over. Just make it better. Just make it go away.
You cry or you want to cry and cant.
Every little thing makes you angry or want to cry.
Why cant you just be happy?
Depression SUCKS!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Bubble Bath
Just sussed out ecostores
new bubble bath! Smells devine, makes lovely bubbles (rare in natural products!) but they dont last too long so ya gotta make the most of them while they're there. I chucked a handful of epsom salts in too for my aches and pains but it wasnt a relaxing bath with a 2 YO!!! The other two are in there now and having a ball (baths a rare in this house!).
This follows a pretty lazy day, shot into town with kids and ended up buying Miss a new outfit after an accident, and then we watched Wall E together. Went for a walk to the playground and had burgers for dinner :-)
NO housework and lots of kid-quality time - of course tomorrow I will have to play catch-up on this dump LOL but it was nice to take a break!!! Might watch a movie tonight :-)
new bubble bath! Smells devine, makes lovely bubbles (rare in natural products!) but they dont last too long so ya gotta make the most of them while they're there. I chucked a handful of epsom salts in too for my aches and pains but it wasnt a relaxing bath with a 2 YO!!! The other two are in there now and having a ball (baths a rare in this house!).
This follows a pretty lazy day, shot into town with kids and ended up buying Miss a new outfit after an accident, and then we watched Wall E together. Went for a walk to the playground and had burgers for dinner :-)
NO housework and lots of kid-quality time - of course tomorrow I will have to play catch-up on this dump LOL but it was nice to take a break!!! Might watch a movie tonight :-)
We had another baking session, with a little insert from the Womens Weekly magazine. We made choc fudge slice, shrewsberry's, marshmallow slice, banana cake, and a pav. Wonderful! It was the best pav I have ever made and even the marshmallow slice turned out well! The kids came in and out and took turns measuring and mixing, and enjoyed eating it of course! My feet ached like buggery but it was good fun. Took three loads in the dishwasher to clean the mess, more than 3 and a half hours in the kitchen, because unlike some of my other Saturday morning baking sessions, these recipes were quite new and fiddly.Great to have the tins filled and nice to spend some time with the kids!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Everything always happens at once
Exams next week, just finishing up some major volunteer commitments, trying to tidy up the house... and I get slammed with a chest infection!
Its like Im back in June, when I was trying to study and had morning sickness and got pneumonia. It was all too much then. I can see that spiral of a tornado approaching me now... I dont want to do it again, I never want to go down that path again. But its coming........
I have written a 5 week plan, to coincide with the 5 weeks of home help I have. To get me organised. Dont think Im doing too well, this is week 1 and I was supposed to do the table and the hallway - havent even finished the table yet LOL
But read Wendyl Nissens Home Companion this week and feel more energised than ever to get greener and more domestic goddess-y - bring it on!
Its like Im back in June, when I was trying to study and had morning sickness and got pneumonia. It was all too much then. I can see that spiral of a tornado approaching me now... I dont want to do it again, I never want to go down that path again. But its coming........
I have written a 5 week plan, to coincide with the 5 weeks of home help I have. To get me organised. Dont think Im doing too well, this is week 1 and I was supposed to do the table and the hallway - havent even finished the table yet LOL
But read Wendyl Nissens Home Companion this week and feel more energised than ever to get greener and more domestic goddess-y - bring it on!
Friday, October 8, 2010
On the path – finding myself
I am on a journey. Its a long one… but I am learning to love the journey so that’s ok.
I was 20years old when I became a mother, I was young, naive, and had lost myself in a relationship. Certainly not the first woman to do so and I wont be the last but back then I had no idea. Looking back now I see how lost and sad I was.
Fast forward a few years and I was a single mother to two babies struggling to find my place in the world. The journey to find myself began. Fast forward a few more years and I am a single mother to three children and a little further into the journey.
I’ve made many mistakes, found strength I didn’t know I had, learnt new skills and discovered passions I had forgotten about and new passions that make my days brighter.
I have learnt I am more than a mother, and its important I nurture that part of me as my children need to see me as someone who has interests, loves, passions, someone who finds joy, happiness and sadness in the world around us.
I am on a constantly changing path that surprises me all the time. I am learning not to sweat the small stuff, to find joy in small things, to surround myself by things that inspire me, to chase dreams, and love love love with all I have.
I’m excited to share this space with Ashlee and to build an awesome reminder of this journey, our goals, dreams and to help each other along the way.
I was 20years old when I became a mother, I was young, naive, and had lost myself in a relationship. Certainly not the first woman to do so and I wont be the last but back then I had no idea. Looking back now I see how lost and sad I was.
Fast forward a few years and I was a single mother to two babies struggling to find my place in the world. The journey to find myself began. Fast forward a few more years and I am a single mother to three children and a little further into the journey.
I’ve made many mistakes, found strength I didn’t know I had, learnt new skills and discovered passions I had forgotten about and new passions that make my days brighter.
I have learnt I am more than a mother, and its important I nurture that part of me as my children need to see me as someone who has interests, loves, passions, someone who finds joy, happiness and sadness in the world around us.
I am on a constantly changing path that surprises me all the time. I am learning not to sweat the small stuff, to find joy in small things, to surround myself by things that inspire me, to chase dreams, and love love love with all I have.

I’m excited to share this space with Ashlee and to build an awesome reminder of this journey, our goals, dreams and to help each other along the way.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Saturday Afternoon Baking
I feel that part of domestic bliss is a couple of hours weekly baking and then tins full of goodies for the week.
It certainly makes lunch-making easier to have slices, cakes, muffins and cookies on hand! You cant beat that home-made decadence and it is so satisfying.
In my head, a Saturday session of baking usually falls into the too-hard basket. But I have to change that because in my last few sessions of baking, I have managed to churn out some incredible amounts of biscuits and muffins in about an hour! SO I would like to start making this a regular habit. The kids love to help although this requires some serious patience! But if I have the energy to stand for an hour, & clean-up as I go, I am certain to reap the rewards!
Well today we went to the park for a walk and I really really wanted a slice. We have no plain biscuits, no apricots etc so the options are limited. I resorted to melting half a pack of choc drops with a little cream, and then stirring through a couple of cups of ricies & cornflakes to create crackles in mini-muffin trays. They're a hit with the kids and so so easy!!
It certainly makes lunch-making easier to have slices, cakes, muffins and cookies on hand! You cant beat that home-made decadence and it is so satisfying.
In my head, a Saturday session of baking usually falls into the too-hard basket. But I have to change that because in my last few sessions of baking, I have managed to churn out some incredible amounts of biscuits and muffins in about an hour! SO I would like to start making this a regular habit. The kids love to help although this requires some serious patience! But if I have the energy to stand for an hour, & clean-up as I go, I am certain to reap the rewards!
Well today we went to the park for a walk and I really really wanted a slice. We have no plain biscuits, no apricots etc so the options are limited. I resorted to melting half a pack of choc drops with a little cream, and then stirring through a couple of cups of ricies & cornflakes to create crackles in mini-muffin trays. They're a hit with the kids and so so easy!!
On the Path - Being a Supermum
I feel like I am on a journey - on a path to create a bit of domestic bliss in our lives. I am blessed with healthy children, a very loving and supportive other half, and a nice home. I want for very little, really (of course I live in consumerism and always want more!!).
I am trying to achieve my domestic bliss:
*I want to cook healthy meals from scratch with good quality ingredients
*I dont want to be sucked in by brands or consumerism
*I dont like being surrounded in clutter, I want a nice home that is family friendly but easy to tidy
*I would like to look further into home education
*I want us to live a natural lifestyle without loads of chemicals and processed items
*I want to create wonderful memories for my family, and capture & preserve them for us to remember
I dont expect any of this to happen overnight but I would like to be striving to provide the absolute best for my family. My current goals are to reduce our spending and reduce our clutter by getting more organised.
I am trying to achieve my domestic bliss:
*I want to cook healthy meals from scratch with good quality ingredients
*I dont want to be sucked in by brands or consumerism
*I dont like being surrounded in clutter, I want a nice home that is family friendly but easy to tidy
*I would like to look further into home education
*I want us to live a natural lifestyle without loads of chemicals and processed items
*I want to create wonderful memories for my family, and capture & preserve them for us to remember
I dont expect any of this to happen overnight but I would like to be striving to provide the absolute best for my family. My current goals are to reduce our spending and reduce our clutter by getting more organised.
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