Monday, November 15, 2010

Transformation of an Office

For a long time it was a boring office but served its purpose, and of course over time and with a growing family it filled with paperwork and crap. I was also studying and starting my business so it was a multi-functional room.

Then I turned it into my craft room! for a while there, it was also a scrapbooking shop!!! I had people come through!
But largely it was a joint crafting room and office, with my computer for working/studying/playing and my craft stuff all out for scrapbooking. It was so wonderful having all my craft stuff out but my collection was growing at a phenomenal rate!!

The biggest thing I loved, other than having everything on display, was my Inspiration Board, which was covered in pictures and pretty things including achievements (like the first ever magazine I edited) and flowerws and photos and other things to make me happy and inspired.

Finally, with the revelation of baby 4 on the way, it was time to pack it up. Half my scrapbooking stuff is now in a wardrobe, and the other half is packed at my parents place. It took me a month to accept this, and a few tears, but I accepted that I wouldnt have the time to dedicate to my craft and my eldest needed his space more. So we turned it into Kaden's room....

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